June 2022 Librarians’ Update


Do you need a specific video, eBook, or article to supplement your curriculum that aligns with the content you are teaching? INFOhio provides quality instructional materials that can be easily shared with students, staff, and parents. Use this alphabetical list of INFOhio resources to see how to directly link to the licensed content.

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Book Nook

In Book Nook you can explore, create, and share video book trailers. This resource includes recommended web tools for creating book trailers, lesson plans, and other teacher resources. To directly share a student-created book trailer, simply copy and paste the URL in the address bar for each book trailer video.


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BookFlix includes paired fiction and nonfiction popular texts that engage readers and support literacy. This resource helps students build foundational skills by making connections, building background knowledge, and building vocabulary. There is a read-aloud feature included that can also be disabled as readers progress. Follow these steps to link directly to a BookFlix title:

  1. Find a title you would like to share with students within the BookFlix resource. 
  2. Go to Educator Tools.
  3. Type the BookFlix title in the search bar.
  4. Click the blue i button.
  5. Click the red LMS/Direct Link button.
  6. Copy the URL and paste to share.

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Capstone Connect

Capstone Connect is a database for educators. It has instructional support materials including a search interface to find instructional materials within PebbleGo Next and Capstone Interactive eBooks that support specific learning standards.

Within Capstone Connect educators can complete a Title Search or Search by Standards. The direct URL for each PebbleGo Next article, Capstone Interactive eBook, or Instructional Material can be copied directly by clicking on the link icon on the right side of the title within the search results. 


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Capstone Interactive eBooks

Capstone Interactive eBooks is a library of more than 800 unlimited use, interactive eBooks for grades 3-6 on the topics of science and social studies. The high-interest texts also include highlighting and read-aloud capabilities.

Select the eBook you are interested in sharing with staff, students, or parents. Click the link icon in the top right corner of the eBook’s description page to copy the URL to share.


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Digital Video Collection (DVC)

INFOhio’s Digital Video Collection (DVC) includes more than 5000 quality educational streaming videos free of advertisements and with content to support Ohio’s Learning Standards. To link directly to a video, simply copy the URL in the address bar. 


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Educator Tools

Educator Tools offers resources to support Ohio’s Learning Standards and align inquiry skills with current educational trends and practices. Search by subject, grade level, or instructional trend to find articles, videos, lesson plans, best practices, flyers, tip sheets, and more. Follow these steps to link directly to a resource within Educator Tools:

  1. Click the blue i button on the resource you would like to share.
  2. Click the red LMS/Direct Link.
  3. Copy the URL and share.

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Explora for Grades PreK-5, 6-8, and 9-12

Explora is a specialized database of full-text articles from thousands of magazines, journals, and newspapers, along with images, videos, and primary sources. Each grade level database includes different EBSCO databases. 

The Explora for Grades PreK-5 interface lets you search the following EBSCO databases, all at the same time: American Heritage Children’s Dictionary, Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia, Primary Search, and Topic Overviews K-5.

The Explora for Grades 6-8 interface lets you search the following EBSCO databases, all at the same time: Middle Search Plus, Newspaper Source, Topic Overviews 6-12, and Vocational and Career Collection.

The Explora for Grades 9-12 interface lets you search the following EBSCO databases, all at the same time: Academic Search Premier, Computer Source, GreenFile, Health Source: Consumer Edition, Literary Reference Center, MAS Ultra – School Edition, Newspaper Source, Points of View Reference Center, Science Reference Center, Topic Overviews 6-12, TOPICsearch, and Vocational and Career Collection.

To share an article from any of the Explora databases click the permalink icon on the right side of the article, then copy and share the permalink. 


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Gale eBooks

INFOhio has purchased two Gale eBook collections,  Financial Literacy and STEM & Career. STEM & Career is a collection of more than 70 full-text eBooks for middle and high school students. Topics include 21st-century careers, responsible technology use, and Social-Emotional Learning. The Financial Literacy collection includes more than 50 full-text eBooks for high school students on the topic of financial literacy. 

To share materials from either of the Gale eBook collections simply click the “Get Link” button in the top right corner. A pop-up window will appear with the link. Click the blue “Select” button to copy and share the link. 


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Gale In Context: Elementary

Gale In Context: Elementary is a resource ideal for the K-5 audience and includes text, images, charts and graphs, and educational videos from books, magazines, and news periodicals on interesting and important facts with connections to current and past events.

To share materials from Gale In Context: Elementary simply click the “Get Link” button in the top right corner. A pop-up window will appear with the link. Click the blue “Select” button to copy and share the link. 


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IWonder includes age-appropriate, librarian-selected websites that support Ohio’s Learning Standards. This resource can help students in grades 4-9 with homework and school research.

After selecting a website or a question category that you want to share from IWonder, copy the link for the resource from the address bar at the top of the page. 


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Learn360 Video Collection

The Learn360 Video Collection is a collection of more than 1700 streaming educational videos supporting careers, science, and technology. 

The Learn360 videos have been added to INFOhio’s Digital Video Collection. Follow these steps to link directly to a Learn360 video:

  1. Find a title you would like to share with students within the Learn360 collection.
  2. Go to INFOhio’s Digital Video Collection.
  3. Type in the video title in the search bar.
  4. Copy the URL in the address bar to share.

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Literature Online

Literature Online is a cross-searchable database of full-text literature and criticism covering works of poetry, prose, and drama in English. 

To link directly to a resource within Literature Online, click the Share button on the right-hand side of the page. From there click the Link icon to copy the link.

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PebbleGo Next

PebbleGo Next is designed for upper elementary students in grades 3-5. This database contains standards-aligned articles, activities, videos, and games in five unique databases: Science, Biographies, Social Studies, States, and American Indian History. Each article includes read-aloud capabilities, academic vocabulary words and definitions, images, video, and audio. 

Select the article you are interested in sharing with staff, students, or parents. Click the link icon at the top of the page to copy the URL to share.

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Points of View Reference Center

Points of View Reference Center provides multiple perspectives on current issues presented in overview essays and journal articles.

To share an article, click the Permalink icon on the right side of the article, then copy and share the permalink. 

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Science Online

Science Online offers STEM resources including articles, diagrams, learning modules, interactive virtual experiments, timelines, and biographies.

To share an article, click the Share button and copy the Record URL.

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Science Reference Center

Science Reference Center provides full-text science and math encyclopedias, reference books, and periodicals, searchable by topic and standard. 

To share an article from Science Reference Center, click the Permalink icon on the right side of the article, then copy and share the permalink. 

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The World Almanac for Kids and The World Almanac for Kids Elementary

The World Almanac for Kids is a reference resource for middle-grade students which features articles, videos, games, science projects, fun facts, maps, flags, and more. Included are a Homework Help guide and Teacher Resources.

The World Almanac for Kids Elementary includes current digital content with important dates and statistical information. This resource features articles, videos, interactive games, and activities on topics including animals, Earth Science, famous Americans, plants, exploring space, and more. Teacher Resources include printable handouts, worksheets, graphic organizers, and classroom management forms to use with any lesson, plus science diagrams and projects.

To share an article from either The World Almanac for Kids or The World Almanac for Kids Elementary, click the share button and copy the Record URL.

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Today’s Science

Today’s Science connects real-world discoveries with the science classroom. This database features more than 6000 high-interest science news articles and includes research topics, conversations with scientists, videos, and discussion questions. Also included are curriculum tools for educators.

To link to a resource in this database, click the Share button and select Copy Link to copy the link to the article.

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World Book Kids, Student, and Advanced

The World Book KidsStudent, and Advanced interfaces are online encyclopedias that allow students to discover eBooks, videos, activities, and primary sources.

Follow these steps to share an article or resource from any World Book resource. 

  1. Find the article you want to share within World Book Kids, Student, or Advanced.
  2. Go to ISearch and type the title of the article in the search bar.
  3. Click the Encyclopedias tab and limit your search results to the World Book Content Provider on the left side.
  4. Open the article by clicking View/Download. To share an article within ISearch, click the Permalink button on the right side of the article, then copy and share the permalink. 
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