- No events scheduled for March 10, 2024.
- No events scheduled for March 11, 2024.
- No events scheduled for March 12, 2024.
- No events scheduled for March 16, 2024.
Week of Events
DASL 2024-2025 SYI Workshop/Training
DASL 2024-2025 SYI Workshop/Training
Please join us to complete your School Year Initialization (SYI) for the 2024-2025 school year. Please remember to bring your completed SYI Survey along with the suggested printed screenshots and your District Calendar.
Student Services Open Lab at Cuyahoga Falls
eFinancePlus (eFP) EMIS training
DASL MS/HS Scheduling Session – Part #2 (Virtual)
DASL MS/HS Scheduling Session – Part #2 (Virtual)
We will cover how to execute your batch scheduler, resolve conflicts, and running post-scheduling reports
LGCA Fiscal Open Lab
LGCA Fiscal Open Lab
This Open Lab is for anyone who would like help at LGCA location. It is open to Fiscal Staff needing help with any processes.
This meeting is for State Software USPS users who have a part in the Staff EMIS Reporting process for their district. In this session, we will review the basics of Staff L Collection reporting with a focus on maintaining the data in USPS. Agenda - TBA
Heartland – EMIS Open Lab
eFinancePlus (eFP) Beginner Cognos Training
eFinancePlus (eFP) Beginner Cognos Training
In this training, we will walk you through how to navigate Cognos, run a report, and filter any report you create or look at. By the end of this training, you will have a basic understanding of Cognos and be able to run any report with confidence.