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- No events scheduled for September 11, 2022.
- No events scheduled for September 12, 2022.
- No events scheduled for September 13, 2022.
- No events scheduled for September 17, 2022.
Week of Events
Hybrid Event
GradeBook/DASL Roundtable
Hybrid Event
GradeBook/DASL Roundtable
GradeBook and DASL Roundtable Gradebook will begin at 9:00 AM and DASL at 10:00 AM, sharing the meeting link below. Please let the Student Support Team know if you have any questions or concerns. The GradeBook and DASL Roundtables will be at NEOnet Room B and via Zoom. Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/93750930542?pwd=R01HNTFnUjkrOTdVZ2lsVFlpVm04UT09 Meeting ID: 937 […]
Virtual Event
EMIS CrossCheck- Virtual only
Virtual Event
EMIS CrossCheck- Virtual only
The session will be recorded and posted for those who cannot attend. The session will include a training on the new User Management Tool, an explanation of what checks are showing this time of year, and the future of a CTE dashboard. **If you want to add users in your district to CrossCheck and limit […]