Heartland Library WorkFlows Basic Cataloging and Reports
Heartland Computer Lab 1495 W Longview Ave Suite 100, Mansfield, OH, United StatesThis introductory class features adding additional copies, adding call numbers, using SmartPort to import MARC records, adding Brief Titles, User and Item labels, Shelflists, and Overdues and Notices
SpecialServices- New User/User Review
VirtualSpecialServices User Training: Dashboard My Students/Assign Students Student Documents Recycle Bin Documents Document Import Search Student Student Profile Contacts Create New Documents Document Overview Creating Banks & Inserting into Documents Complete/Collaboration Portal IEP /ETR/Progress Reports Copy from This training is Zoom only.
Cuyahoga Falls Location Elementary Scheduling Work Lab
Falls Training Lab 700 Graham Road, Cuyahoga Falls, OH, United StatesCuyahoga Falls Location Elementary Scheduling Work Lab
Infinite Campus Guidance Counselor Features
VirtualThis session will focus on features in Infinite Campus that are applicable to staff in the Guidance Office. Features covered in this training include Course/Section Information, Walk-in Scheduling, Transcripts, and more.
Concord Library WorkFlows Basic Cataloging and Reports
Concord Room 124 8221 Auburn Rd, Painesville, OH, United StatesThis introductory class features adding additional copies, adding call numbers, using SmartPort to import MARC records, adding Brief Titles, User and Item labels, Shelflists, and Overdues and Notices
State Software Tips and Tricks
VirtualThis is a bi-weekly meeting for State Software districts. We will spend the hour answering any questions that districts might have, or processes that you would like us to go over.
Concord EMIS Open Help
VirtualThis EMIS Open Help lab is for EMIS Coordinators to get assistance with any EMIS reporting.
Cuyahoga Falls Location Student Services Open Lab
Cuyahoga Falls Location Student Services Open Lab
Student Services Open Lab at Willoughby Eastlake Location
Willoughby Room 400 35353 Curtis Blvd, Eastlake, United StatesThe assistance in this Open Lab will focus more on Infinite Campus and EMIS in Infinite Campus. Please bring your own device to work on items in the lab.
EMIS on the Radar
VirtualReview of upcoming EMIS reporting deadlines, EMIS Newsflashes and Cross Check updates.
Falls Library WorkFlows Basic Cataloging and Reports
Falls Training Lab 700 Graham Road, Cuyahoga Falls, OH, United StatesThis introductory class features adding additional copies, adding call numbers, using SmartPort to import MARC records, adding Brief Titles, User and Item labels, Shelflists, and Overdues and Notices