OETC- Ohio Educational Technology Conference

Dan and Julia will both be presenting at OETC! Dan: PBL in the AI Era (February 11th @ 9:15am in room B143/144/145) Julia: Integrating Hour of Code into Core Subject Classrooms (February 12th @ 2:15pm in room A216)

Infinite Campus – Scheduling Part 2: Entering Course Requests

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Please join us for Part 2 of our Infinite Campus Scheduling Series. In this session we will review course prep and clean-up items. We will also discuss how to enter student course requests using various tools.


Cuyahoga Falls DASL 25/26 SYI

Falls Training Lab 700 Graham Road, Cuyahoga Falls, OH, United States

School Year Initialization is the process to copy up your information is DASL from the current year to the upcoming school year. This is done at building level and can be complete at different times for each building in the district. At the end of the training you will have the opportunity to promote your […]

RSVP Now Free 19 spots left

Concord EMIS Open Help

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This EMIS Open Help lab is for EMIS Coordinators to get assistance with any EMIS reporting.

State Software Heartland Open Lab

Heartland Computer Lab 1495 W Longview Ave Suite 100, Mansfield, OH, United States

This Open Lab is for anyone who would like help at the NEOnet Falls location. It is open to Fiscal Staff needing help with any processes

RSVP Now Free 18 spots left

Infinite Campus Regional Demonstration

Falls Meeting Rooms A & B 700 Graham Road, Cuyahoga Falls, OH, United States

Please join us for a live demonstration from the Infinite Campus Training team at NEOnet! This live demonstration will give you the opportunity to interact with Infinite Campus and ask any questions you may have directly to a member of their team.

RSVP Now Free 60 spots left

Infinite Campus Open Help lab

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Infinite Campus open help allows district staff to join a zoom meeting to ask questions or work 1:1 with available NEOnet Campus staff. This is not a training.

EMIS on the Radar

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Review of upcoming EMIS reporting deadlines, EMIS Newsflashes and Cross Check updates.

eFinancePlus Change Accounts Payable

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This virtual training covers the Change Accounts Payable feature in eFinancePLUS, helping users efficiently manage and edit payable records. Key Topics: Navigating and editing PO and non-PO payables. Updating key fields like invoice details, amounts, and due dates. Removing or reversing payables and re-encumbering funds. Adjusting approval settings for credit invoices and resolving workflow issues. […]

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