Concord EMIS Open Help
VirtualThis EMIS Open Help lab is for EMIS Coordinators to get assistance with any EMIS reporting.
Password Reset
If you are unable to login, and password reset did not help, please create a helpdesk ticket via email or phone (330.926.3900).
Password Reset
If you are unable to login, and password reset did not help, please create a helpdesk ticket via email or phone (330.926.3900).
This EMIS Open Help lab is for EMIS Coordinators to get assistance with any EMIS reporting.
This is a bi-weekly meeting for State Software districts. We will spend the hour answering any questions that districts might have, or processes that you would like us to go over.
Open Lab to work on various items
Learn how to use Promotion/Enrollment to move your students to the future school year
Infinite Campus Open Help allows district staff to join a zoom meeting to ask questions or work 1:1 with available NEOnet Campus staff. This is not a training.
The Technology Advisory Committee is composed of District Technology Directors. This Committee assists in the technical operations of NEOnet and provides guidance and direction to the NEOnet Technical Department and the Board of Directors.
This Open Lab is for anyone who would like help at NEOnet Falls location. It is open to Fiscal Staff needing help with any processes.
Review of upcoming EMIS reporting deadlines, EMIS Newsflashes and Cross Check updates.
This will be a USPS quarter balancing workshop. We encourage districts to come in person to work through the quarter balance documents. We will go over the Heartland and Falls documentation. For those registering for virtual, once the overview is complete, we will end the zoom and work with the districts in the in person […]
The areas pertaining primarily to the Principal and Curriculum Department will be shown in this brief demonstration
We will review the Campus.2511 release