Redesign Office Hour

This is a bi-weekly meeting for USxS Redesign districts. We will spend the hour answering any questions that districts might have, or processes that you would like us to go over. Click Here to Join Meeting   Meeting ID: 944 4435 5612 Passcode: 543440 One tap mobile +13126266799,,94444355612# US (Chicago) +16465588656,,94444355612# US (New York)   Dial by […]


Redesign Office Hour

This is a bi-weekly meeting for USxS Redesign districts. We will spend the hour answering any questions that districts might have, or processes that you would like us to go over. Click Here to Join Meeting   Meeting ID: 944 4435 5612 Passcode: 543440 One tap mobile +13126266799,,94444355612# US (Chicago) +16465588656,,94444355612# US (New York)   Dial by […]


eFP Budget Prep- Training

Falls Training Lab 700 Graham Road, Cuyahoga Falls, OH, United States

We will be going over how to set up your FY23 Budgets.


Redesign Office Hour

This is a bi-weekly meeting for USxS Redesign districts. We will spend the hour answering any questions that districts might have, or processes that you would like us to go over. Click Here to Join Meeting   Meeting ID: 944 4435 5612 Passcode: 543440 One tap mobile +13126266799,,94444355612# US (Chicago) +16465588656,,94444355612# US (New York)   Dial by […]

Treasurer’s Operating Committee

Falls Meeting Room B 700 Graham Road, Cuyahoga Falls, OH, United States

Bi-Monthly meetings for Member District treasurers


Fiscal Open Lab

This lab is open to anyone who would need help with eFP or State Software processing.


Budgeting Training

We will go over budgeting process for Next Year Proposed. This will include Scenarios, Proposed Amounts and Budgeting reports.  


Redesign Budgeting Refresher – Virtual


We will be giving an overview of the next year proposed budgeting process in USASr. This meeting is intended for users who are not able to attend the hands on training in person from 9am -12pm.   Join Zoom Meeting   Meeting ID: 988 7686 7601 Passcode: 998095 One tap mobile +13017158592,,98876867601# US (Washington […]


Redesign New Contract Training

This training is for building new contracts for the new Fiscal Year. We will go over the best way to process these new contracts.


Redesign Office Hour

This is a bi-weekly meeting for USxS Redesign districts. We will spend the hour answering any questions that districts might have, or processes that you would like us to go over. Click Here to Join Meeting   Meeting ID: 944 4435 5612 Passcode: 543440 One tap mobile +13126266799,,94444355612# US (Chicago) +16465588656,,94444355612# US (New York)   Dial by […]

Redesign New Contract Training

This training is for building new contracts for the new Fiscal Year. We will go over the best way to process these new contracts.


Fiscal Open Lab

This lab is open to anyone using eFP or State Software.

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