Google Classroom Essentials
Google Classroom is the perfect way to communicate with students, send them activities, and grade classwork! This session will show teachers everything they need to know to use Google Classroom.
Password Reset If you are unable to login, and password reset did not help, please create a helpdesk ticket via email or phone (330.926.3900).
Password Reset If you are unable to login, and password reset did not help, please create a helpdesk ticket via email or phone (330.926.3900).
Google Classroom is the perfect way to communicate with students, send them activities, and grade classwork! This session will show teachers everything they need to know to use Google Classroom.
This session will explain how teachers can transform paper-based assessments into digital assessments, many of which can be auto-graded! This session will explore how to convert Google Docs or Word assessments into Google Forms auto-graded quizzes, plus other tools like, Quizizz, and Socrative.
GoGuardian can be an invaluable tool for keeping students engaged and focused. Teachers can monitor students’ web activity, push them to a particular website, or even block certain websites. This training will show teachers everything they need to know about GoGuardian!
The Technology Advisory Committee is composed of District Technology Directors. This Committee assists in the technical operations of NEOnet and provides guidance and direction to the NEOnet Technical Department and the Board of Directors.
Virtual Field Trips can be some of the most engaging class activities! This session will explore how students can create and share their own Virtual Field Trips using Google Earth, plus several organizations that provide experts to speak to the class through a live video chat.
Quarterly meeting of librarians/library aides to review WorkFlows software updates, INFOhio website updates, and provide a PLC.
WeVideo is a great online video editor that students can use to create amazing videos! This session will show teachers the basics of WeVideo and some ideas for student projects.
The Technology Advisory Committee is composed of District Technology Directors. This Committee assists in the technical operations of NEOnet and provides guidance and direction to the NEOnet Technical Department and the Board of Directors.
Quizizz is a gamified quiz tool that teachers can use to gather high quality student data or drill vocabulary! This session will show teachers how they can use the free version of Quizizz to gather data and help students work on vocabulary!
Bi-Monthly meetings for Member District treasurers
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