District Technology Services

NEOnet’s District Technology Services (DTS) provides a comprehensive solution to the technology needs of any school district. The service is designed around a multi-tiered model that provides the level of  support appropriate for the issues a district faces – not only in the classroom, but in every aspect of operation.

Customer Benefits

  • This model includes desktop-level technicians providing onsite support to the end users and administrators, as well as advanced support to handle the administration of complex technologies.
  • The service also provides a foundation of proven technologies and polices that help make acquisition and deployment of new hardware and software solutions easy and successful.
  • To properly size the solution, each potential customer is measured against a set of criteria to determine the appropriate number of onsite resources that should be provided. This can include a mixture of the following:
    • Tier One Technician – Provides basic desktop and end user support
    • Tier Two Technician – Provides advanced support of end users and systems including basic network troubleshooting
    • Technology Coordinator – Provides high end server and network support as well as guiding the district technology plan

  • Technicians are not only trained by NEOnet staff in proven best practice methodologies, they are also given continuous improvement plans to enhance their capabilities. Every DTS district has the ability to escalate high-level issues to the staff back at NEOnet, effectively eliminating any gap in district support.

Service Features

  • Control IT costs by leveraging all levels of NEOnet support
  • Reduce labor costs by streamlining technology
  • Increase efficiency through best practices and automation
  • Quickly implement new technologies
  • Reduce overall risk through compliance and security
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