August 2022 Fiscal Monthly Update

State Software Employee Onboarding Coming Soon!

Employee Onboarding provides a step-by-step means to enter all the necessary employee information into a separate system (outside the payroll system).  This information can also be entered at any time prior to them being paid in the system. 

For example, over the summer the board approves a teacher to be hired.  However, they will not be paid until the start of the school year.  Once the Treasurer’s office begins receiving the new hire paperwork, they can be entered into the Employee Onboarding program. Any outstanding ‘tasks’ are noted in the program.  Once all information has been entered, Employee Onboarding is a quick and easy place to double check all the information before they ‘go live’ in the payroll system. 

Another benefit of using Employee Onboarding is the option for different district staff members (such as someone in HR or outside the Treasurer’s office) to input some or all of the new hire information and not have to ‘touch’ payroll.  Give it a look!.


Payables for GAAP

Question:   Are you looking for an easy way to track payables for GAAP?

Answer:      When you are creating a batch of Accounts Payable (FAM > Entry & Processing > Batch Accounts Payable) click on the print Icon and open it in excel. 

You can keep a running list of items that should be included as payables.

Reports Committee Update

The eFP and Redesign Fiscal report committees had their quarterly meetings on Thursday, Aug 11th.

For the eFP portion of the meeting, we discussed the changes that the Cognos security update added to the User Interface. It was also brought up about an email received around the middle of July from the Auditor of State that came with instructions for eFP districts. The NEOnet eFP team will be working on creating a process to reduce the tedious nature of this request and run as many of the reports in bulk.

During the Redesign portion, Michelle Ingersol reviewed some new reports that were created. We also discussed the conversion of the remaining districts to Active Directory authentication. NEOnet will be working on a template email for Treasurer’s to send to the staff discussing the conversion and a couple of frequently asked questions that we have received during the conversion of other districts.

If you have any questions on these items or any fiscal report need. Please feel free to reach out to us

Trainings/Meetings in September

1St  USPSr Quarter Balance Training

7th Redesign Office Hour 9:30 – 10:30

13th eFP Coffee Collab for FAM  9:30 – 10:30

15th State Software Intro to Accounts Receivable 9:00 – 11:30

20th Fiscal Open Lab 9:00 – 3:00

21th Redesign Office Hour 9:30 – 10:30 27th eFP Coffee Collab for HRM 9:30 – 10:30

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