Tag: Student Services
Meet w/Mansfield
Student Services meeting with Mansfield City
Student Services Open Lab at Willoughby Eastlake Location
Student Services Open Lab at Willoughby Eastlake Location
Student Services Open Lab at Willoughby Eastlake Location
The assistance in this Open Lab will focus more on Infinite Campus and EMIS in Infinite Campus. Please bring your own device to work on items in the lab.
Lunch Scheduling and Advisory Course Scheduling
Meeting with HS Principal, Kris Beasley to schedule HS Lunches and Advisory Course
Shelby ES Training
Elementary scheduling clean up, staff changes, pre-school student updates
DASL/SI Report Card Training
During this session we will review the entire report card processing – from setup of marks thru running report cards! Join us to learn more information about reports available and how to publish your report cards to parent access.
Falls – DASL/SI Attendance Training
During the training we will review: Entering Attendance, Edit/Update Student Absences, Calendar Maintenance, Calendar Exception Management, Attendance Reports, Attendance Letters and more.
Heartland Migrating to Passport at Northmor
Migrating to Passport at Northmor
Heartland St Mary’s Shelby Report Card Design Meeting
St Mary’s Shelby Report Card Design Meeting (6 Attendees – Contact: Kim Stover kstover@stmaryshelby.org)