
NEOnet supports the Special Services software provided by SameGoal. SameGoal helps districts manage IEPs, evaluations, progress reporting and all related documentation using state-published forms in the state of Ohio. NEOnet gives students the support they deserve.

Customer Benefits

  • Comprehensive forms compliant with the state of
    Ohio for both special education and gifted services
  • Rich text editing on all forms
  • User level and district level banks
  • Real-time compliance checks while users write the needed special education forms
  • Real-time collaboration: add individual goals, evaluations and progress notes easily while coworkers modify other fields through the document
  • Share documents with parents and guardians electronically, including collecting needed signatures
  • Integrates student data with ProgressBook Suite via
    Vendorlink APIs

Service Features

  • Software support and maintenance
  • No annual maintenance contracts to manage and pay for on software – all included in the service
  • Integration with ProgressBook Suite via Vendorlink APIs
  • Professional development opportunities at no additional cost
  • Service and reliability
  • NEOnet support for complex design questions and changes
  • Geographically redundant backup and recovery
  • Integration with Active Directory

Three Possible Editions


Authoring forms- rich text editing, image and attachments support, auto save, version history, and unlimited archival

User level and district level banks

1 week of document revision 6 months of document revision history

Store up to 50 Mbs attachments per form attachments per form

In app notifications for deadlines

Ability to electronically sign documents using most computers/tablets/phones

Real-time collaboration with built-in chat features 

District to district transfer

All features of Standard version with additions of:

Remote Parent/Guardian signature feature

6 months of document revision history

Store up to 100 Mbs attachments per form

Deadlines tab with full caseload, and district-wide
deadline tracking (calendar and list view). Email and push deadline notifications

Ability to electronically sign documents using all Standard devices and Topaz signature pads

Ability to sort/filter/organize reports directly in SameGoal

All features of Standard/Plus versions with additions of:

Translation features including multi-language document support, in-district and third party translation workflow, and automated translation

Unlimited months of document revision history

Store up to 150 Mbs attachments per form

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