NEOnet provides a ProgressBook district administrator as a cost-effective and efficient resource to maintain the suite of products for your district. The service ensures the users maximize the benefits of the software. NEOnet delivers the service and support you deserve.
Customer Benefits
- Contact person for NEOnet correspondence regarding ProgressBook Suite releases and updates.
- First level of support for all ProgressBook users
- Training for new teachers to the district
- Training for all district personnel on new features
- Load DataMap scores in a timely fashion
- Perform all School Year Initialization tasks
- Create new user logins for entire ProgressBook Suite
- Coordinate between GradeBook and DASL for beginning and end-of-year information
Service Features
- Compose, communicate and provide in-person guidance required for software updates, problems and fixes
- Provide first level support for all users to ensure staff members have adequate support
- Provide in-person training and recorded videos on
new features of the software

Full ProgressBook Suite Coordinator:
- $20,000 per fiscal year
A la carte:
- Load DataMap scores - $0.60 per student
- Schedule students future year - $2.00 per student