Today’s districts are data driven. Whether reviewing achievement data as the curriculum director, principal or teacher, data provides school districts the necessary information to set goals, guide instruction and meet their students’ learning needs. Routinely reviewing your data and interpreting data allows districts to formulate strategies to raise student achievement. DataMap, an application within the ProgressBook Suite, seamlessly integrates with all of the other ProgressBook applications. DataMap gives school districts the tools to maximize all of your data and truly get to know your students.

The Assessment Comparison displays trends with your state assessment data. Whether reviewing assessment trends with an individual student or teacher, districts are able to evaluate how the student or class performed in comparison to others that took the same test in the building or district. You are able to find the areas of strengths and weaknesses in each subject as well as review areas within these subjects on the State Assessment. Using these trends opens communication between parents and teachers, or administrators and teachers, to set standards and achievement goals.

The Multiple Measures feature in DataMap allows you to view data from multiple sources to gain a deeper understanding of your students. Data that is typically found in multiple websites or folders can be found on one screen in DataMap. Using Multiple Measures offers the opportunity to view several years of state assessments to compare with data from third-party and common assessments displaying report card marks. In addition, students are identified if on an active IEP or 504 or if the student has been identified as an English Learner or Economically Disadvantaged.

The Assessment Analysis in DataMap shows an overall picture of the state assessment, whether viewing an individual class, entire grade or building. First, it displays a bar graph that indicates the student’s performance in each of the areas of the state assessment, and then it shows the strengths or weaknesses for each of the areas within the subject of the Ohio State Test. Next to the bar graph, the Assessment Analysis also presents a pie chart indicative of the performance level for the students. The Assessment Analysis has the option to drill down to a list of students that achieved at an individual placement level. Selecting multiple placement levels, allows you to know which students were very successful on the state assessment or those that struggled. Knowing which students were not successful gives the option to select student(s) to assign to a custom Intervention Program, developing a plan to increase the success of these students.

The Intervention process in DataMap is replacing the Cum Folders used by many districts. The Cum Folders are found by digging in filing cabinets stored in each building that maintain the historical data for each student. Using the data stored in DataMap along with the customized Intervention programs in DataMap, districts are now able to store much of this information electronically in DataMap. The Intervention process allows districts to maintain their AIT, RtI, Title I, Behavior and RIMPs, just to name a few. DataMap also gives districts the opportunity to create a customized form to go along with the Intervention Program to give the added benefit of maintaining consistency in the detailed information for each student.

All screens in DataMap have the ability to drill down to the Student Roadmap. The Student Roadmap is the complete testing, attendance, discipline and intervention history for each individual student. The Student Roadmap displays the complete picture for the student, allowing teachers and administrators to identify factors that may motivate student performance.

To schedule a demo or learn how DataMap can benefit your district, contact Janet Hayes by email at or by phone at (330) 926-3900, ext. 601112.

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