March 2023 Librarians’ Update


On Thursday, March 16th, the State Library of Ohio Board approved a grant to contribute LSTA funding to the Libraries Connect Ohio (LCO) collection of digital content. INFOhio, OhioLINK, and OPLIN, representing school libraries, college and university libraries, and public libraries, contribute funding for this collection of quality digital content. Through this unique partnership of library organizations, Libraries Connect Ohio is able to provide a strong and consistent set of resources that demonstrates the benefits of shared services and effectively serves Ohioans of all ages.

Be the first to know about all quality, digital content for next school year by joining the INFOhio Community, subscribing to our newsletter, and connecting with us through social media.

The Libraries Connect Ohio collection of digital content is licensed for a period of 5 years, contingent upon funding, and is evaluated annually. Beginning July 1, 2023 the Libraries Connect Ohio collection of digital content includes the following:

World Book

World Book Early Learning
World Book Kids
World Book Student
World Book Advanced
World Book Timelines
L’Encyclopedie Decouverte
Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos
Banco de Contenidos aulaPlaneta


Academic Search Premier
Alt Health Watch
Business Source Premier
Computer Source
Consumer Health Complete
ERIC (Education Resource Information Center)
Health Source: Consumer Edition
Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition
Hobbies & Crafts Reference Center
Home Improvement Reference Center
Literary Reference Center
MAS Ultra – School Edition
MasterFILE Premier
Middle Search Plus
Newspaper Source
Points of View Reference Center
Primary Search
Professional Development Collection
Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection
Regional Business News
Religion & Philosophy Collection
Science Reference Center
Small Business Reference Center
Sociological Collection
Vocational & Career Collection




Oxford Research Encyclopedias
Very Short Introductions



Additionally, the collection still includes Literature Online: American & English Literature and the Sanborn Insurance Maps, as those resources were previously purchased outright.

Please note: The Libraries Connect Ohio collection will no longer include Gale In Context: Elementary or Transparent Language Online. In the coming weeks, we will provide additional information about future access to these resources.

INFOhio sincerely thanks the team of librarians that served on the selection committee for thoroughly evaluating all resources and advocating on behalf of all PreK-12 students and educators:

  • Corey Baker, Columbus School for Girls
  • Christina Conti, Jackson High School
  • Andrea Schimpf, Seneca East Local Schools
  • Cynthia Unger, Mid-East Career and Technology Centers
  • Tracy Varner, Southwest Ohio Computer Association (SWOCA)

Libraries Connect Ohio (LCO) is a partnership of Ohio’s three statewide library programs—OPLIN, OhioLINK, and INFOhio—in coordination with the State Library of Ohio. LCO is founded on the belief that citizen well-being is furthered by efficient information exchange in all communities and institutions where quality teaching, research excellence, and lifelong learning are valued. LCO provides a foundation for us to work together to define common information needs and to investigate ways to effectively and efficiently provide information to Ohioans.

Through the Libraries Connect Ohio partnership that began in 2003, we can:

  • Guarantee that Ohio citizens will have a core set of information resources necessary to compete in the global economy and improve their quality of life.
  • Provide these resources to all Ohio citizens regardless of where they go to school or live.
  • Maximize the efficiency of the investment in necessary information resources.

The partners agree that without statewide collaborative action, there is no other way to achieve adequate and equitable information access across the state. Statewide licensing and purchasing of information are the only means through which we can leverage our buying power and guarantee universal statewide access to core information resources.

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