- Educational Technology Services
- Fiscal Services
- Governance
- Student Services
- Technical Services
- No events scheduled for July 17, 2022.
- No events scheduled for July 18, 2022.
Project Based Learning through Video
Falls Meeting Room B 700 Graham Road, Cuyahoga Falls- No events scheduled for July 23, 2022.
Week of Events
Making the Most of Your Clevertouch Display
Making the Most of Your Clevertouch Display
Teachers that have received a Clevertouch display have a great educational tool at their disposal! This session will get teachers comfortable with the Clevertouch’s features and creating interactive activities in the Lynx whiteboard app and Google apps.
Project Based Learning through Video
Project Based Learning through Video
With tools like Screencastify, WeVideo, and iMovie, students can create their own video projects about any subject area! This session will explore how teachers can prepare for student-created video projects with some easy-to-use tools on Chromebooks or iPads.
Redesign Reports Training
Redesign Reports Training
This training is geared to USASr users. USPSr users are more than welcome to sign up for this training. We will go over all criteria relating to reports. We start off with basic and go through customizing reports.
Future Pay Mass Load Workshop
Future Pay Mass Load Workshop
We will be reviewing the new option to update and add Future Pay records through Mass Load, including adding reports to create custom spreadsheets.