- Educational Technology Services
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- No events scheduled for July 10, 2022.
- No events scheduled for July 11, 2022.
- No events scheduled for July 12, 2022.
- No events scheduled for July 15, 2022.
- No events scheduled for July 16, 2022.
Week of Events
Redesign Office Hour
Redesign Office Hour
This is a bi-weekly meeting for USxS Redesign districts. We will spend the hour answering any questions that districts might have, or processes that you would like us to go over. Click Here to Join Meeting Meeting ID: 944 4435 5612 Passcode: 543440 One tap mobile +13126266799,,94444355612# US (Chicago) +16465588656,,94444355612# US (New York) Dial by […]
Making the Most of iPads
Making the Most of iPads
This session will help teachers learn more about effective use of iPads and the iPadOS. From some of the best tips and tricks to some great strategies and apps, this session will help you make the most of the iPads in your classroom!
Interactive Teaching
Interactive Teaching
The biggest change that technology has brought to education is the fact that teachers can add interactivity to every step of the learning process. This session will showcase many technology tools that make direct instruction, reading, videos, images, and worksheets more interactive.