- Events
- Student Services
- No events scheduled for October 6, 2024.
- No events scheduled for October 7, 2024.
EMIS and Special Education (Working Together)
Falls Meeting Room A 700 Graham Rd, Cuyahoga Falls +1 more- No events scheduled for October 11, 2024.
- No events scheduled for October 12, 2024.
Week of Events
Infinite Campus Student Focus Call
Infinite Campus Student Focus Call
Infinite Campus Student Focus Calls will be aimed to discuss highlights and new features in Campus as well as any known issues or bugs being reported. Please bring any items or questions you have for our Student Services Team during this session. This session is being offered via Zoom.
EMIS and Special Education (Working Together)
EMIS and Special Education (Working Together)
EMIS/SPED Working together EMIS Reporting Special Education Events Preschool to Kindergarten 2024-2025 Updates Special Education Data Extract The EMIS Cross Check Federal Child Count/Full Time Equivalent at NEOnet Cuyahoga Falls Meeting Room A and via Zoom Join Zoom Meeting https://neonet-org.zoom.us/j/99313293669 Meeting ID: 993 1329 3669
Concord EMIS Open Help
Concord EMIS Open Help
This EMIS Open Help lab is for EMIS Coordinators to get assistance with any EMIS reporting.
DASL/SIS Grad Points Module
DASL/SIS Grad Points Module
Graduation Points module is a used to verify if students have met all the credit requirements for graduation and show readiness for next steps in college and/or careers. This involves tracking the students course credits, End of Course exams, or alternative paths to graduation.
EMIS on the Radar
EMIS on the Radar
Review of upcoming EMIS reporting deadlines, EMIS Newsflashes and Cross Check updates.