Heartland DASL SYI 25/26

Heartland Computer Lab 1495 W Longview Ave Suite 100, Mansfield

School Year Initialization is the process to copy up your information is DASL from the current year to the upcoming school year. This is done at building level and can be complete at different times for each building in the district. At the end of the training you will have the opportunity to promote your […]


Infinite Campus Team Talk Tuesday

Virtual Event Virtual Event

We will review how to map custom tools from the Classic Look to the New Look.


Heartland Student Services Open Lab

Heartland Computer Lab 1495 W Longview Ave Suite 100, Mansfield

Open Lab to work on various items like SYI, promotion, scheduling


Infinite Campus Guidance Demo

Virtual Event Virtual Event

The Infinite Campus Team will walk through the areas of Campus useful for the Guidance Department.

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