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DASL-Scheduling Session Part #1 (Virtual)

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Scheduling Part #1 will review course requests screens and manual updates to student requests. How to edit and add to the Master Schedule via Courses, Course Sections, and Course Groups. Lastly we will review various pre-scheduling reports.


Infinite Campus – Scheduling Part 1: Roll Forward

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Please join us for Part 1 of our Scheduling Series. In this session we will discuss how to roll calendars forward using the Calendar Roll Forward Wizard and Calendar Setup tools. We will also review how to manage student enrollments using the Enrollment Roll Forward and Enrollment Clean-up Wizards.


eFP Open Lab

Falls Training Lab 700 Graham Road, Cuyahoga Falls

The eFP team is available to help you in an open lab setting from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm at the NEOnet main campus location. Simply sign up, inform us of your anticipated arrival time, and provide a brief summary of the topics you'd like assistance with. We'll have the computers ready all you have […]

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