EMIS CrossCheck for SPS users

Hybrid Hybrid Event

EMIS CrossCheck for SPS users. We will review SPS errors and notifications in EMIS CrossCheck including funded errors and ETR with no IEP. This tool is used to find errors in the Data Collector and prevent the loss of Special Education funding. Join Zoom Meeting: https://neonet-org.zoom.us/j/97776133566 Meeting ID: 977 7613 3566


Heartland EMIS Open Lab

Heartland Computer Lab 1495 W Longview Ave Suite 100, Mansfield

Student Services Open Lab

Falls Training Lab 700 Graham Road, Cuyahoga Falls

Student Services Open Lab


Auto-Grading Paper Quizzes with ZipGrade

Falls Meeting Room C 700 Graham Rd, Cuyahoga Falls
Hybrid Hybrid Event

Teachers that administer multiple choice quizzes or tests have a choice - create the assessment in an online tool like Google Forms, which potentially leads cheating, or hand out paper copies which forces the teacher to grade for hours on end. With ZipGrade, teachers can print paper bubble sheets, scan the students' responses with the […]

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