Budgeting Training

We will go over budgeting process for Next Year Proposed. This will include Scenarios, Proposed Amounts and Budgeting reports.  


Redesign Budgeting Refresher โ€“ Virtual


We will be giving an overview of the next year proposed budgeting process in USASr. This meeting is intended for users who are not able to attend the hands on training in person from 9am -12pm.   Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/98876867601?pwd=U3Zoc2pSZUNtYXB0V1ljUVgzb1ZCQT09   Meeting ID: 988 7686 7601 Passcode: 998095 One tap mobile +13017158592,,98876867601# US (Washington [โ€ฆ]


Creating Instructional Videos with OBS

Falls Meeting Room D 700 Graham Road, Cuyahoga Falls

Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) is a free screen recording tool that can be used to create engaging instructional videos. This session will show attendees the essentials of OBS for creating educational content. ๐Ÿ”— Sign Up Here!

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