EMIS Shared Services

NEOnet delivers a shared service solution, where in-house EMIS coordinators can report school districts’ required data. NEOnet will coordinate EMIS reporting, conduct training and provide support for key district personnel who need to submit EMIS data to the Ohio Department of Education (ODE), analyze reports, troubleshoot errors, review ODE reports and, lastly, be a resource for superintendents.

The NEOnet team uses an “EMIS Wheel” model to ensure that every ‘spoke’ of the district’s EMIS reporting is maintained and communicated to those involved. NEOnet’s shared EMIS coordinators attend many professional development opportunities, saving districts money on travel. The coordinators can also attend information technology center’s EMIS coordinators’ bi-weekly calls from ODE to
hear updates firsthand.

Customer Benefits

  • Knowledgeable staff and resources to support customer’s business processes
  • Coordination of customer’s EMIS reporting
  • EMIS training of customer’s building staff
  • Software data processing and data import/export


  • On-time compilation and reporting to ODE
  • Distribution of and interpretation of district reports as they
    are received from ODE
  • Act as liaison between district, district buildings and ODE on EMIS-related activities

Customer Benefits

  • EMIS training – NEOnet EMIS staff will provide training to the school district’s liaison staff on proper methods of data input and/or adjustments on the EMIS data to ensure that the correct coding is entered into the EMIS reporting software (DASL). They will also disseminate information to the district’s staff as necessary to ensure that information is correctly entered in the DASL.
  • Compile and submit EMIS data to ODE – NEOnet EMIS staff will be responsible for compiling and ensuring that EMIS data and reports are submitted to ODE in a timely manner.
  • Resource for Superintendents – NEOnet EMIS staff will serve as a resource for the superintendent or staff member designated by the superintendent for interpretation of EMIS reports and district accountability reports.
  • Analyze reports and troubleshoot errors – NEOnet EMIS staff will analyze reports, troubleshoot errors and make necessary corrections when possible. When data is missing or incorrect, NEOnet will work with the school district’s staff to ensure that items are corrected in a timely manner.
  • Review ODE reports – NEOnet EMIS staff will review all ODE reports and notify the superintendent and/or treasurer if any invalid or incorrect data needs to be resolved.
  • Liaison between district, district buildings and ODE on all EMIS-related activities – NEOnet EMIS staff will be the first level of support to district and building staff for any EMIS questions. NEOnet EMIS staff will also educate staff on the proper method of data entry into the EMIS reporting software (DASL) for the reporting of gifted students, economic disadvantages, discipline, all special education data and all aspects of graduation data reporting.
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