The principles of computer science do not have to be taught in a standalone class. In Connected Code: Why Children Need to Learn Programming, the authors state that engaging in computational thinking, a critical thinking skill often associated with computer science (CS), helps learners understand problems of other disciplines and provides a lens through which they generate ideas and solutions. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that “overall employment in computer and information technology occupations is projected to grow 15 percent from 2021 to 2031, much faster than the average for all occupations,” with a median wage that is more than double that of all occupations. With many occupations and life skills becoming increasingly reliant on technology, understanding CS principles and practicing computational thinking is critical to students’ future success.
Computer Science Education Week (CSEdWeek) is an annual event where educators, students, and caregivers can learn about and celebrate the fun and benefits of computer science. From December 5-11, help inspire interest in your learners by introducing a few Computer Science (CS) concepts, ideas, or activities. Official Computer Science Education Week events from CSEdWeek.org include:
- Panel discussion of “CS Heroes” (December 5 at 1 pm)
- CS Heroes and CS Connections lesson plans, My CS Hero Poster activity and lesson plan (K-5 and 6-12 options), Future Me Poster activity and lesson plan (K-5 and 6-12 options)
- Hour of Code interactive activities for all grade levels that require no experience or CS knowledge. Activities are available for science, math, social studies, language arts, and art subject areas.

According to The CS Teacher Landscape report, 35% of teachers surveyed indicated they didn’t have the materials, supplies, equipment, or space necessary to properly teach CS. INFOhio has a range of instructional materials that can help you celebrate CSEdWeek with all learners in a variety of settings. Below is a small selection of that content, categorized by grade level, which includes lesson plans, eBooks containing thousands of ideas for classroom and home activities, reference articles great for student research, and professional learning resources. This list is meant to be a snapshot of what’s available as of November 2022 and is by no means exhaustive.
Grades K-5
- Lesson Plans and Units: CS Fundamentals (Code.org via Open Space)
- eBook: Robotics for Young Children: STEM Activities and Simple Coding (EBSCO eBook Education Collection)
- eBook: 100 Ideas for Primary Teachers: Coding (EBSCO eBook Education Collection)
- eBook: 100 Ideas for Primary Teachers: Computing (EBSCO eBook Education Collection)
- Interactive eBook: Computer Programming (PebbleGo Next)
- Article: Computers and Data (PebbleGo Next)
- Lesson Plans and Units: CS First (Google via Open Space)
Grades 6-12
- Unit: Tech Careers: Coding and Beyond (INFOhio Career Exploration Unit)
- Lesson Plans and Units: CS First (Google via Open Space)
- Videos for Professional Learning: Computer Science for Your Classroom (Digital Video Collection)
- eBook: Connected Code: Why Children Need to Learn Programming (EBSCO eBook Education Collection)
- Open Space: Search results for Computer Science subject area
Do you introduce activities or lessons in your classroom as part of #CSEdWeek? Consider sharing your ideas on the INFOhio Community discussion board in Open Space!
If you’re interested in advocating for CS and are looking for additional data and guides, be sure to read the 2022 State of CS Education report, CS Equity Guide, The CS Teacher Landscape report, and visit the Expanding Computing Education Pathways (ECEP) Alliance.